Traditional Arts and Crafts - Noh


The origins of noh, Japan’s oldest theater form, go back to ancient times; but it was in the fourteenth century that it began to flourish. Whereas kabuki and bunraku were for the common people, noh was for members of the warrior or samurai class.
Noh is a lyric dance-drama performed on a special stage to the accompaniment of music. Dramatic elements are few: the principal characters wear masks and perform the slow dance-movements without speaking.
The noh singing, called yokyoku, is also practiced as an independent art.

There exist about two hundred and fifty noh plays, which are grouped roughly into five main classifications according to subject matter. These five classifications are shin (God), nan (man ), nyo (woman),kyo (madness), and ki (demon), The concepts of most of the plays show Buddhist influences.

The masks worn by the actors are not limited to any one specific role, but are used for various roles in different plays. Noh masks are lacking in individuality of expression, and their essence lies in a mysteriousness that derives from their very simplicity. The noh mask combines with the extremely symbolic to display a unique artistic beauty. The noh costumes, together with the masks, are the main elements which form the profoundness of the noh experience.
