Writing System

There are three main types of written characters in Japan: kannji, hiragana, and katakana. Roman letters are also used, but to a much lesser extent.

Kanji characters are ideograms which were brought in from China. On the basis of the Chinese and Japanese readingsof these characters there were devised the photy-netic manyokana characters which in turn were simplified into the hiragana and katakana systems in about the ninth century. The characters of higagana and katakana systems represent single syllables. Each system presently has forty-six characters.

In writing Japanese, most nouns, verbroots and adjectives are represented by kanji while the verb endings indicating the various tenses etc., the auxilliary verbs and the particles are written in one of the kana systems(hiragana or katakana). Adverbs can be written in either kanji or kana characterds. Of the two kana systems, hiragana has by far the wider usage in modern times. Katakana characters are used mostly for the spelling of loan words brought into Japanese from other language.

The first characters taught at school are those of the hiragana system. In fact, however, a fairly large percentage of Japanese children are able to read and write kana characters even before they enter school.

All three types of Japanese characters are designed to be written in vertical lines, though they can also be written horizontally. When written vertically, the first line comes on the right of the page and succeeding lines follow it to the left. Years ago, almost all writing was vertical but the horizontal style has gradually become more popular since it is more adaptable to inclusion of Arabic numerals and passages in foreign languages. From the reader’s point of view, however, vertically written sentences are easier to assimilate and for this reason most newspapers, magazines and popular books are printed in this style.







