Traditional Arts and Crafts-Dolls


Dolls have played a part in the life of the Japanese people since time immemorial. Clay figurines have been discovered among protohistoric relics, and haniwa clay images  have been unearthed from ancient burial mounds.

girl's day(ohinasama)
, one of the traditional theater arts of Japan, is a large-scale puppet drama in which big dolls are manipulated to show the action of the play. Warrior-dolls are displayed during the Boys’ Festival, and colorful hina dolls during the Girls’ Festival.

A tremendous variety of dolls of both Japanese and European style, are manufactured in Japan nowadays. The most popular are the hakata and kokeshi dolls.

Hakata dolls, which are moulded from cay, then painted, are the speciality of Fukuoka prefecture in Kyushu, the southern island. Hakata dolls, which are characterized by a finely detailed realism and by the colors used, depict subjects old and new and from every land, such as beautiful women from all periods of history, and kabuki actors. Kokeshi are the traditional wooden dolls made in the north-eastern region of Japan. The dolls consist of a cylindrical torso, turned out on a lathe. A round head is fitted on the torso and a girl’s face drawn in. Two or three colors, such as red, blue or yellow, are used to paint lines or a chrysanthemum design on the body. While unsophisticated, the face and colors give kokeshi dolls a certain rustic charm that is hard to deny.
