Sightseeing-Historical and cultural places in Japan

Historical and cultural places in Japan

The ancient city of Nara was the capital of Japan for about seventy years, starting in the early eighth century. With its many shrines, Buddhist temples, statues of Buddha, carvings and paintings, it is rich in National Treasures and Important Cultural Assets.

Particularly famous are Nara's Todai Temple with its 16.21-meter-high(53.18 feet)statue of Buddha(dedicated in the year 752 and renovated several times since), Kofuku Temple with its five-storied pagoda facing the beautiful pond called Sarusawa-no-ike, and Kasuga Shrine with its many tame deer which are allowed to roam free. Todai Temple also has the Shoso-in, a wooden treasure-house with a special construction(called azekura)which is resistant to moisture, Stored in this are more than nine thousand items, including fine art objects which belonged to the emperor of that time, Todai Temple treasures and manuscripts of the Nara period, plus items which came from countries such as China and Persia.
As far as assembling the cream of Buddhist art goes, Nara National Museum is without peer in Japan.

On the outskirts of Nara is Horyu Temple, the world's oldest wooden structure still in existence. Also the nearby Asuka district Great Buddha, Todai-jiwas where the culture of Japan flowered around the sixth and seventh centuries, and as such was the cradle of Japanese Buddhism; in this area can be found Imperial mausolea, burial mounds and historical relics.

One such place is Takamatsuzuka, which became famous when a tumulus with brilliantly colored wall paintings was discovered in 1972.
The ancient city of Kyoto was the Imperial seat for more than a thousand years, starting at the end of the eighth century. Among its many historical places of interest are such temples and shrines as Kinkaku Temple, Sanju-sangendo, Ginkaku Temple, Kinkaku Temple, Heian Shrine the East and the West Hongan Temples, Daitoku Temple, Saiho Temple and Ryuan Temple. Other important sights are Kyoto Gosho, Nijo Castle, and Katsura Imperial Villa. Each of these places has architectural and landscape beauty that leaves the visitor entraced.

In addition there are many places of scenic beauty, such as Mount Higashi, Mount Arashi, Sagano, and the River Kamo, and many famous local products, such as nishijin brocade, yuzen dyed fabrics, kyo dolls, kiyomizu ware and kyo fans.

Kamakura, which is in the suburbs, of Tokyo, became the seat of the military government for a period of one hundred and fifty years, starting from the end of the twelfth century. The many historical places that can be seen there include Tsurugaoka Hachiman Srine, the Great Buddha of Hase, Kencho Temple and Enkaku Temple.

In the various regions of the country are found castles which are uniquely Japanese in their stone walls, architectural style and choice of location. The three most famous ones are Himeji Castle, Nagoya Castle(famous for its golden dolphin; destroyed by fire during the war, this castle was later rebuilt)and Kumamoto Castle, and other famous ones include Osaka Castle, Matsumoto Castle and Inuyama Castle(the tower of which is the oldest in existence).

Himeji Castle was built in the middle of the fourteenth century and gradually enlarged untill now it is unrivaled for its size as well as for the beauty of its pure while tower.
Another name it is known by is Shirane Castle.

Most of the stones of the tertaced walls of the castles wegh about one ton each, but the stones of Osaka Castle are particularly large. These stones had to be brough one hundred and ten kilometers(sixty-eigh miles)from Shodo Island, and it is said that particularly large stones were suspended in the sea so that the buoyancy lightened them slightly, making it easier for the boats to transport them.

The present Imperial Palace was built on the site of Edo Castle, headquarters of the feudal government in the Tokugawa era. A part of it can be visited on the second day of each year and on the Emperor's birthday at which times the people are allowed to enter to offer their congratulations to the Emperor.













